Download In Time HD
Download In Time Online Streaming with duration 109 Min and released on 2011-10-28 and MPAA rating is 891.- Original Title : In Time
- Movie title in your country : In Time
- Year of movie : 2011
- Genres of movie : Action, Science Fiction, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2011-10-28
- Companies of movie : Strike Entertainment, Regency Enterprises, New Regency Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 109 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.5
- Youtube ID of movie : xhYUaR5QiUs
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,PT,ES,RU,FR,PL,NL,KO,HU,SV,TR,FI,CS,ZH,SK,DA,VI,BG,JA,EL,
- Actors of movie :
- Justin Timberlake ( Will Salas )
- Amanda Seyfried ( Sylvia Weis )
- Cillian Murphy ( Timekeeper Raymond Leon )
- Olivia Wilde ( Rachel Salas )
- Alex Pettyfer ( Fortis )
- Johnny Galecki ( Borel )
- Matt Bomer ( Henry Hamilton )
- Vincent Kartheiser ( Philippe Weis )
- Yaya DaCosta ( Greta )
- Toby Hemingway ( Timekeeper Kors )
- Bella Heathcote ( Michele Weis )
- Shyloh Oostwald ( Maya )
In Time Synopsis:
Online Streaming In Time In the not-too-distant future the aging gene has been switched off. To avoid overpopulation, time has become the currency and the way people pay for luxuries and necessities. The rich can live forever, while the rest try to negotiate for their immortality. A poor young man who comes into a fortune of time, though too late to help his mother from dying. He ends up on the run from a corrupt police force known as 'time keepers'. Watch Movie In Time High Quality
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Director : Andrew Niccol, Screenplay : Andrew Niccol, Original Music Composer : Craig Armstrong, Producer : Marc Abraham, Producer : Debra James, Producer : Eric Newman, Producer : Andrew Niccol, Executive Producer : Andrew Z. Davis, Executive Producer : Amy Israel, Executive Producer : Kristel Laiblin, Cinematography : Roger Deakins, Editor : Zach Staenberg, Casting : Denise Chamian, Production Design : Alex McDowell, Costume Design : Colleen Atwood,
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